Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nine days later...

Well, there has been no time for projects this week.

I can't believe it has only been 9 days since we got Mom's diagnosis. It's been crazy but we are settling into a new routine & it is working. The new medications are primarily to keep her comfortable and free from pain, but they also mess with her mind and stamina. Two weeks ago she was up and about even getting out of the house once or twice a week, now she spends the majority of the time in bed and just getting a shower is a major accomplishment. I now feel like a full time caregiver; prior to this it was more of a companion roll.

The past three days have been gloomy, rainy & windy; and that has matched the mood inside, as well. I had major concerns regarding Mom's condition but today we have sunshine and Mom has a bit more strength & her mind is clearer. I'm thinking that they might just go hand in hand. Gloom inside & out!

I'm sad that I won't be able to attend church, Wednesday night Bible Study or any kind of social functions in the foreseeable future; but then again, short of getting someone in to sit with Mom so I can go out, I'm not wanting or anticipating that to change anytime soon.

1 comment:

John said...

Praying that you will be able to get out for awhile whether by having someone stay with Mom or that she feels well enough for you to leave her for a bit. Thanks.