Friday, February 20, 2009

life goes on

On Wednesday of this week, just a little past noon, my mother passed away. She had been under hospice care for about 5 weeks, in our home. And while she is no longer "here", I am convinced more than ever that her life goes on. A stronger, more real life than she (or we) could ever know on this earth.

I will miss her, but I do not mourn. She had been suffering for more than a year and through that suffering I saw her change for the better. I saw more of her sense of humor than ever before in my life. In spite of pain she was more at peace than I had ever seen her. She was more tolerant than I could remember and better able to express her love. I realize more fully now that suffering does refine us.

I am grateful for the seven months Mom lived in our home. I am also grateful for the fact that she died here; it had to happen somewhere; it was a privilege to witness and experience that with her. As I've said before, God is good, all the time; this is more real to me today than ever before.

And life goes on.

1 comment:

John said...

I agree.. tho reading this at work this morning was not the best way to start off the day... in tears...