Friday, March 27, 2009

Here comes the weekend--

-nasty cold
-memorial service on Saturday
-house guests
-hockey game Saturday night
-too many projects
-can't focus

Time to get off the computer & get busy (sigh).


catherine said...

I hate being busy when you have a cold. Hope you feel better soon! Drink lots of hot tea.

John said...

Sorry your sick.. OK... I'll help you focus .. (what are big sisters for anyway). If you can't get rid of the first two on your list just skip #3, 6 and 7 and just do #4 and 5. and just plain out forget about #8.

It's a wonderful spring day here. Hope you're feeling better soon.

sally said...

cold - still here
headache - gone
housework - got most of it done
Memorial service - awesome
house guests - good time
hockey game - skipped it
focus - still fuzzy

not bad